Museum of Anthropological and Contemporary Art – MAAC
Museum of Anthropological and Contemporary Art – MAAC

The Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art MAAC carries out transcendental research on the archaeology of Ecuador.

Texto: Patricio Añazco / Fotos: Jairo Cabrera.

The Museum of Anthropology and Contemporary Art, or MAAC for short, is dedicated to culture. The MAAC is part of the Centro Cultural Libertador Simón Bolívar. It is located north of the Malecón 2000. Inside the museum, six rooms display archaeological, ethnographic, artistic and cultural collections related to the peoples who inhabited the Ecuadorian coast. In the 1950s, archaeological research on the Ecuadorian coast made groundbreaking discoveries that made Ecuador a focal point for archaeology in the Americas.


Interior de Museo Antropológico y de Arte Contemporáneo – MAAC.

There are also temporary exhibitions of modern and contemporary art by national and international artists. This art gallery shows a combination of artistic stages that span the history of Ecuador from 10,000 BC to the present day. Today, the collections include around 50,000 archaeological pieces and 3,000 works of art, as well as a valuable collection of documents.

The Cultural Centre also houses a library of national writers, video rooms, an auditorium and a large esplanade that provides space for artistic events, conferences and other cultural activities in Guayaquil. Since its inception, the Anthropological Museum has been an active centre of scientific research and has contributed to the consolidation of national identity for three decades: Recovery, preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage.

The MAAC is currently integrated into the National Museum Network, run by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture.

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