Travel to Ecuador – COVID-19
Travel to Ecuador – COVID-19

Covid-19 in Ecuador

Covid en Ecuador

For up-to-date COVID-19 risk information for Ecuador, visit the TravelHealthPro website. Visit the TravelHealthPro website for more tips on travelling abroad and reducing the spread of respiratory viruses during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Check the entry requirements to find out what you need to do when you arrive in Ecuador.

I have COVID-19 in Ecuador. What should I do?

Be prepared for your plans to change. No travel is risk-free during COVID-19. Countries may introduce further travel restrictions or new regulations at short notice, e.g. due to a new variant of COVID-19. Check with your travel company or airline for any changes that may delay your return home.

If you test positive for COVID-19, you may need to stay where you are until your test is negative. You may also need to be treated there.

Plan ahead and make sure:

  • Access to money.
  • Understand what your insurance covers.
  • You can extend your stay and be away from home for longer than your holiday plans.

Travelling in Ecuador during Covid-19.

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) also has an information page. However, the most up-to-date information can be found on their Twitter account.

Vaccination against COVID-19 is compulsory for Ecuadorians and expatriates.

Although it is no longer compulsory to wear masks in indoor and outdoor public places, you may be required to wear them in private establishments. Take a mask and your vaccination certificate with you.

You may be asked to show your COVID-19 vaccination certificate (with two full doses of vaccine) to enter facilities, transport or airports. This does not apply to public facilities and essential services such as health and education. COVID-19 vaccination certificates are also mandatory for all passengers over 5 years of age on all inter-district, inter-state, inter-city and inter-tourist buses.

Regulations may vary and be applied differently in different municipalities. You can find the most up-to-date information on your local authority’s social media channels:

Quito: @MunicipioQuito; Guayaquil: @alcaldiagye; Cuenca: @MunicipioCuenca; Galápagos: @CGGalapagos; Loja: @MunicipioDeLoja

For details of COVID-19 protocols and passenger health measures, please visit the website of Quito’s Mariscal Sucre International Airport.

The Guayaquil “José Joaquín de Olmedo” International Airport website provides general information about COVID-19 activities and frequently asked questions.

Number of COVID-19 case confirmations in Ecuador.

Number of vaccination recipients in Ecuador.


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