Nahím Isaías Museum and its valuable collection.
Nahím Isaías Museum and its valuable collection.

The Nahim Isaias Museum offers an insight into the history of Guayaquil. It contains around 2,500 pieces.

El Muso Nahím Isaías.

Texto: Patricio Añazco / Fotos: Jairo Cabrera.

The Nahim Isaias Museum offers an insight to the history and past of Guayaquil. It has around 2,500 pieces in its collection, ranging from painterly and sculptural works from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries to republican art from the 19th century. It shows the theme of colonial cosmogony (based on the four elements: fire, earth, water and air). The wonderful art of the famous colonial art school of Quito (Escuela Quiteña de Arte Colonial) which was characterised by its religiosity at that time.

The collection of these pieces is an authentic demonstration about the history of this territory that was known as the Real Audiencia de Quito, now known as Ecuador. The result of the meeting of two civilisations with their different cultural, philosophical, political and social realities. There is also space for temporary exhibitions of emerging art proposals that are exhibited in a hall. You can discover this place and more on the following self-guided tour through the city centre of Guayaquil.

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