Guayaquil Cultural Tour.
Guayaquil Cultural Tour.

Welcome to this cultural tour in Guayaquil along the banks of the Estero Salado. An experience that can be enjoyed all year round.


Words: Melanie Cuzco. Photos & Maps: Jairo Cabrera.

Welcome to this cultural tour in Guayaquil along the banks of the Estero Salado. An experience that you can enjoy all year round and get to know spaces dedicated to culture. We hope you enjoy your tour and your stay in Guayaquil. On the river you will be able to see the influence of various Italian artists and architects in the city during the republican era, the golden age of the Cocoa Boom as well as its transformations up to the present day.

Presley Norton Museum.

We start our tour at the Presley Norton Museum located at 9 de Octubre and Carchi streets. This building is a patrimonial jewel because it contains approximately 8 thousand archaeological cultural objects from the Ecuadorian coast. Among these are: the Valdivia and Machalilla cultures, these findings of pottery, bone and stone were found by the archaeologist Norton with the objective of making known the legacy left by our aborigines of the coastal zone, their daily life and traditions.

In this exhibition you can learn about the beginning and development of ceramics in the Formative, Regional Development and Integration periods. The lifestyles, relationships with nature and the worldview of the ancient area are presented.

The museum was built in 1942 and evokes classical Spanish architecture because of the stylistic mix of wood and concrete. It is designed with a gallery at the top and the carved wooden balcony that is typical of Peruvian colonial architecture with other details brought from Spain such as the Moorish tiles that adorn the entrance, as well as the fine finishes of the ceilings, the mouldings on columns and walls.

It also has an audiovisual room that presents in a cinematic way everything that the museum contains and briefly explains the history of the pre-Hispanic cultures of the country.

Estero Salado Malecon.

The Estero Salado Malecon is beside the Estero Salado, which is an arm of the sea with an extension of 400 metres and was built in 2009 as part of the urban regeneration process of the city of Guayaquil. 

It is divided into two floors; the lower part has pools, gardens, rest areas and small squares where you can enjoy artistic presentations, while the upper part is designed with a deck that gives the perception of a sailing boat, with viewpoints overlooking the estuary and the city. It also has a 55-metre long suspension pedestrian bridge. This will lead us to our next point on the route.

La Bota Hall.

Its special name comes from the fact that it looks like a big boot when viewed from space. Located on the Malecón del Salado, it is a recreational area that offers cultural and entertainment activities to the national and international public. In 2017, when it was implemented as part of the reactivation plan, it became an entertainment area for children and families.

There are 4 zones in this space:

  • Explanada la bota, a space for exhibitions and presentations with the aim of promoting the work of small and medium-sized entrepreneurs.
  • Terraza La Bota, a space for musical activities, film screenings, concerts and to promote new artists.
  • Sala La Bota, a large hall where the various performances of micro-theatre, theatre, stand-up comedy, art, sculpture, dance, plastic art, music and other artistic and cultural genres take place.
  • Las Tablas, a space run by Francisco Pinoargotti, offers music, dance and theatre performances. There is also a room there for snacks and drinks. 

Estero Salado Linear Park.

Our next stop is the Parque Lineal del Estero Salado near the University of Guayaquil. Multi-use trails form an 8km loop around the estuary, brick paths and fun bridge crossings. Cross the 5th of June Bridge and then walk east along the Parque Lineal.

Continue through Plaza Carlos Armando Romero Rodas, where you can see the monument to Emilio Estrada Carmona, the sculptures of Don Quixote and Amigas de mi Jardín. Along the route you will find green spaces with bio-healthy games, sports fields, pedestrian and bicycle paths.

Plaza Guayarte.

A space that combines art, gastronomy and entrepreneurship. Designed for the enjoyment of families and tourists, where they can enjoy the gastronomic offerings next to Estero Salado. This place also has a micro-theatre called Pop Up, two galleries and urban art interventions in the square.

Guayarte Square was built from used containers which, being metal, do not stay warm as they have been covered with insulating material. The floor consists of a layer of concrete and porcelain tiles lie on top. They have been treated, lined and ventilated.

Between 68 and 70 of these boxes have been converted for restaurants, cafeterias, offices, a gallery and a theatre. They are located on one side of Kennedy Avenue (Universidad de Guayaquil) with 25 rooms and on the side of Carlos Julio Arosemena Avenue (opposite the Católica University) with 27, for a total of 52 rooms.


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